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For us, jewelry is much more than fashion and luxury accessories. We believe that each jewel has the power to make us remember significant moments and people in our lives. For this reason, at TARANNÀ we consider that it is very important to guarantee the durability of the jewels and, to do so, we bet on quality materials.

Silver, the material par excellence of our jewellery.

There are different types of silver. We work with two types: 925 silver and 999 silver.

What is the difference between 925 Silver and 999 Silver?

The numbers refer to its purity. The first is 92.5% pure and the second is almost entirely pure (99.9%).

925 silver is also called 1st Law Silver, Sterling Silver or Sterling Silver. 999 silver is also known as Fine Silver.

Which silver is better?

♦ Neither of the two is better than the other, it all depends on the cultural value we have given it.

♦ They do not lose their color (if they darken they can recover their shine → Follow our Care Guide to know how).

♦ They always have value in the market (it will go up or down depending on the price).

♦ Neither of them contains nickel, a material that usually causes allergies.

​♦ Both types of silver can get wet. 

What is their most notable difference?

♦ 999 Silver is more malleable than 925 Silver and, therefore, it is usually the silver used by artisans who create jewelry in a completely artisanal way (without the use of waxes or molds).

♦ On the other hand, 925 Silver, being less malleable, is harder and more resistant to bumps and pulls, it is the most common type of silver in jewelry.

Why are there pieces of silver that shine brighter than others?

Silver in its natural state does not shine. Its shine is due to the polishing it has received from the craftsman.The finer the polish, the more shine it will have and the mirror effect will be achieved. On the other hand, if the polish is coarser, a matte finish is achieved.

Golden metals

Since many of our customers like golden tones, we have 925 Silver jewelry plated in 18k gold and other cheaper accessories made of brass.

Brass is an alloy of copper and zinc that also does not contain nickel and therefore would only cause allergic reactions if it does not tolerate contact with these elements.

The advantage of using brass, compared to gold plating, is that the plating can be lost if the jewelry is not properly cared for. However, brass, although it can darken, can recover its color and shine with cleaning cloths or, in cases of extreme dirt, by immersing them in jewelry cleaning acid.  

Escaparate rosa


Finally, as we believe that colored jewelry brings a lot of joy and a fresh touch to our outfits, many of them include semi-precious stones or other natural materials.

Gemstones used in our jewelry include: amethyst, chalcedony, carnelian, rose quartz, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, garnet, jade, lapis lazuli, black and green onyx, tiger's eye, opal, peridot, turquoise, ruby, etc.

In addition, we added natural mother of pearl, coral, abalone and cultured pearls to this list of materials. If you want to know more about them, check out our Semiprecious Stones page, where their zodiacal relationship and esoteric uses are recorded.

What is the difference between gemstones and semi-precious stones?

To consider a stone as precious, three factors are taken into account: hardness, scarcity in nature and perfection. Precious stones are considered to be, for example: sapphire, emerald, ruby and diamond; and this is reflected in its value in the market.

On the other hand, on the other hand, the following are considered semi-precious stones: amethyst, rose quartz, garnet, labradorite, moonstone, onyx (or onyx), tiger's eye, lapis lazuli, larimar, tourmaline, etc.

We work with semi-precious stones. Although you can find ruby or emerald items in our store, these are not considered to be of the highest grade (they do not have the transparency, tone or purity of the standard gemstone and this is evident in the price we sell them for). It is common to refer to these stones as "wild/rough ruby" or "wild/rough emerald", to highlight that they are not high jewelry stones.

We also want to give some information about turquoise: This, being rare, when compact and of good quality, can be treated like a precious stone. However, it is a stone that we see a lot in costume jewelry and jewelry and this is because there are many imitations.


We, at TARANNÀ, usually work with reconstituted turquoise, that is, pieces made from pieces of natural turquoise compacted into a certain shape. For that reason we can afford to sell silver pieces with turquoise at competitive prices.

Sometimes we find very beautiful jewellery with totally natural turquoises and, when so, we always indicate it in the product description and its value is reflected in the price. Obviously, if you have any questions about this, do not hesitate to contact us.

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